

Yoga is a precise system of personal transformation that touches every level of the human being with the purpose of actualizing human potential.

Yoga is a condition, a state that is experienced when the mind is fully aware and absorbed in the present moment. We cannot do yoga… we can only create the proper conditions so the experience of yoga emerges naturally as unity, absorption, compassion, joy, serenity and love. In our retreats we explore the physical, mental and spiritual aspects of the yoga practice and integrating them into our daily life. We practice various asanas and pranayamas as a tool to enter ourselves and experience the beauty and freedom that unfolds from within.

All of the practices focus on the awareness of prana. It is the intelligent energy behind all that we are in this lifetime. Prana means “constant motion” and is the vital life energy responsible for all our biological and mental functions. We inhale it mostly from the atmosphere through breathing and its primary function is our preservation and sustenance. Our way of life, however, creates mental, psychological and physical barriers in our organism and prana flow is blocked.

Through our practice, prana is liberated and its free flow movement is felt throughout as a profound and liberating effect on the body, mind and spirit.


