Yoga and Ancient Hellenic Wisdom

Yoga and Ancient Hellenic Wisdom

In these programs, participants learn and experience some specific skills and techniques that assist in the cultivation and strengthening of the vital force resulting in a feeling of peace and tranquility.

Every experience penetrates into each one of the fundamental parameters of the human organism – body, mind, spirit – and connects ancient wisdom with contemporary scientific knowledge in the fields of Wellness, Nutrition, Philosophy, Psychology and Spirituality.

The inspiration of this program originates from the 3 Delphic commandments “ΕΙΜΙ – I Am, “ΓΝΩΘΙ ΣΑΥΤΟΝ” – Know Thyself, & “ΜΗΔΕΝ ΑΓΑΝ” – Nothing in Excess – and their correlation with the Spirit, Mind and Body, respectively.  In our seminars, through the practices of Yoga, Chi Gong, Meditation, Hiking and Prayer, we experience and explore what is “Knowledge of Self” and “Nothing in Excess” for the Mind, the Body and the Spirit.  Our goal is the radiant health of the body and the awakening and grounding of the mind through Mindfulness.

We research and practice according to our “inner true nature” which is love, kindness, joy and peace in hope, by the grace of God, of the “higher nature” and the absolute freedom that comes from forgiveness and benevolence.




Ancient Hellenic Wisdom, Yoga